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with Planet Nomadas

Planet Nomadas counts with the best local surfers to guide you to the best points and show you the 5 key points to learn to surf with confidence and style, Developing learning methods with appropriate techniques for all levels, from beginners to the most advanced surfer.

Our ISA (International Surfing Association) certified surf instructors will teach you the right techniques from day one and support you in and out of the water. We have adapted the ISA curriculum to the great conditions here in Lembongan, allowing us to move forward at good pace while maintaining the key points of teaching.


Our teachers and guides are all well English-spoken locals. They have undergone intense training and experienced a great variety of guests. Having earned their respect in the water over the years and having gained experience in the immense variety of Lembogan’s waves over the course of their lives, they are here for you.

We provide easy access to the break with our boat. It will be ready anytime that you require transport to the reef breaks, but a short bicycle run is always an environment friendly option

Local Surf     Spots

- Playground

- Lacerations

- No Man's

- Razor

- Shipwrecks

...and more

1 Day

500.000 IDR

3 Days

1.400.000 IDR

5 Days

2.200.000 IDR

2-3 hours/day

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